COG Menu
The "COG" menu gives access to some of Umango's miscellaneous settings and user specific options and help.
Remote Support
When requested by a Umango support technician, the Remote Support option enables (with your permission) the technician to see your screen and specifically direct you to carry out a function within Umango. It's all about making things easier for you :-).
My Preferences
These settings provide user specific, convenient options to control what is seen and what is hidden from the view of the user.
My Preferences Dialog Options
Sync License
Available only to Admin users, this function forces Umango to sync usage data with the Umango license server in the cloud. If Umango is unable to sync this information automatically then you will be prompted to follow the manual syncing wizard to perform this task offline.
Re-Activate License
Use this option when you are provided a new product key and need to activate it. This maybe upgrading an existing license or activating a commercial license after running a trial.
Take a Tour
The Umango tour takes you for a wander around the dashboard explaining key terminology and explain key functions. This a great getting started tool if you are unfamiliar with the Umango product.
Help & Support
All things to help you make the most of Umango and get the answers you need quickly and easily.
Quick access to the details of your Umango installation and license. See what version you're running, what features you have, check for updates and make sure your maintenance is up to date.
Finish and close your Umango login session.