The following are a list of common issues that may cause trouble with the embedded application. Further debugging information can be found in the technical supplement or online knowledge base.
I can't see my MFP when selecting a source.
This can be from a the following;
- The MFP or server is not connected to the network
- A firewall or proxy is blocking communication between the server and the MFP
- Discovery (SNMP) is turned off; and/or
- The server is on a different subnet (manually enter the device's IP or serial number using the Force Discovery option within the jobs device sources area)
I can't install / push the embedded to the device(s).
This may be due to;
- A firewall issue, or
- The device is not accepting the connections that are required to install/push to the MFP; or
- The credentials required to install the embedded on the MFP are incorrect
Launching the Embedded from the MFP fails to connect.
- The is an issue with the network connection between the MFP and the server
- There are firewalls blocking incoming connections to the server (check default ports 50080 and 50021)
- The server is on a different subnet (select the correct adapter from the job's device sources area, then run Reinstall Devices function)