Document Drop
The document drop provides a fast, convenient way to send documents into a job from a browser or mobile device. A simple drag-and-drop or browse and select process uploads the files to the Umango server, creates a batch then starts the job processing. If user intervention is required, this can be started as soon as the batch is ready right from the document drop screen.
The Document Drop Screen
Making Jobs Available In Document Drop Screens
Any jobs that have a browser/mobile IP assigned as a source will be available within the document drop on the related device. In addition, where jobs have the source option enabled to "Add this job to the document drop on all computers/browsers" will be included in every browser's document drop.
Enabling a Job On All Document Drop Screens
Document Classifier
When more than 1 job in your collection of jobs meets automatic classification criteria, Umango will automatically create a document classifier in the document drop area for easy sorting of documents.
The Document Classifier
For jobs to be included in the document classifier (and for them to be sorted accurately and effectively), they must meet one of the following criteria:
- Have the separation method "Barcode on 1st page" enabled and the have Identifying text rule set that is unique among all other jobs in the classifier. Or;
- Have the separation method "OCR text on 1st page" enabled and the have Identifying text rule set that is unique among all other jobs in the classifier. Or;
- Have the separation method "Automatic document recognition" enabled and 5 or more sample documents of similar structure and type included in the job's sample documents collection. Or;
- Have the separation method "Anchor on 1st page" enabled and a unique and reliable anchor zone has been added to the sample document
Mobile Devices
Mobile devices can make use of the document drop in the same way as desktop computers. Simply log into Umango from your mobile device and your document drop is available for file uploads. This can be a very effective way of getting documents from a mobile/tablet to its required destination.
The Document Drop on a Mobile Device