History Logs
A record of every file processed is recorded in the history logs. These logs provide a glimpse into all of the work your organization has completed while also providing log exporting/reporting options. Log entries are separated into Events that are labeled as either an Import or Export event. An import refers to any documents that have been processed through Umango (via a document source), while an export refers to documents sent via Umango to their predetermined export destination(s). File name, date processed, completion status and format of the document are just a few of many fields of information available, sortable and selectable.
Filtering History Display
There are two ways to filter the information that Umango has to offer; Date Range and Keyword Search.
Date Range
Keyword Search
Exporting Logs
In addition to having all of the data available to display, Umango enables the export of this information into various database and document formats, including PDF, DOC, JSON, and many more. Exporting is as simple as selecting the database icon by the search bar, choosing a format, then saving the file in the location of your choice.
Selecting an Export Format
Permissions and User Access to History
Access to the history logs is limited based on the type of authenticated user. User permissions are broken up into two types:
Admin User
The admin or power user has full access to all documents that have been processed by Umango. An admin user can see all Imports and Exports that have been processed since Umango has been installed on the system. The admin has the option to export logs that encompass the entire organizations processing history. Alternatively, they can refine the results based on key words or date range to see events that match document format, date, or even to see work done by other Standard users on the system.
Standard User
A standard user can still see their History Logs. The data is limited to the events they have performed within Umango as the owner of a batch. Standard users can still refine searches into file formats, date, or any other key words they choose but the only results they see will be the events performed on their user accounts.