POP3 Email
The POP3 Import Connector allows users to monitor or “watch” a POP3 inbox for incoming emails and their attachments. Any emails that have not previously been processed are selected and processed according to the connector's settings. Options include the ability to delete files from the POP3 server once processed and email filtering options.
Note: Umango Job Services must be running in order for source connectors to process.
Please see your email administrator for the necessary email settings required to enable Umango to check your email account.
Mail Server Setup
The Connection Settings section allows you to configure the POP3 server details required to connect and retrieve emails.
- Mail server: Enter the hostname or IP address of the mail server e.g. pop.example.com
- Port: Specify the port number for the POP3 connection. (110 for non-SSL, 995 for secure POP3 over SSL)
- User Name: Enter the username of the email account you want to connect to. This is typically the full email address (e.g. user@example.com).
- Password: Enter the password for the email account
After entering the connection details, click the Test button to verify that the POP3 connector can successfully connect to the mail server.
Email Settings
Number of Minutes Between Checking Email
Determines the interval (in minutes) for checking the inbox for new emails.
Additional Options:
- Unzip Attachments: If enabled, the connector will automatically select and extract attachments which are compressed files (.zip) during processing. If unchecked, compressed files will be ignored.
- Process the Email Body Like a Document: When enabled, the content of the email body will be treated as a document and processed along with attachments.
Post-Processing Options
When watching a location, the import connector monitors for new emails. An email is considered new if it has not been processed during a previous run of job services, as determined by the wait interval. After importing an email and/or its attachments into Umango, users can configure various options to modify how the processed email is handled within its original location.
Apply To:
- All resources: Applies post-processing actions to every resource retrieved from the POP3 server.
- Only resources that meet selection filters: Restricts post-processing actions to resources that match the specified filter criteria.
- Don’t do anything: No post-processing actions will be applied.
Delete emails from server: Removes the processed emails from the inbox.
Selection Filters
Filter Rules
Regular expressions can be used to identify the emails and attachments that should be processed. If no filtering rules are added, all emails and attachments that meet the required file types will be processed. If no file types are added, all files are considered for processing.
Metadata fields
The standard metadata fields available for the POP3 Email Connector that are available for merging in export connectors are:
- EmailSenderUserName: The username part of the sender's email address (before the @ symbol).
- EmailSenderDomain: The domain part of the sender's email address (after the @ symbol).
- EmailSenderAddress: The complete email address of the sender.
- EmailSenderName: The display name of the sender.
- EmailDateTime: The date and time the email was sent.
- EmailSubject: The subject line of the email.
- EmailBody: The plain-text content of the email body.
- EmailToAddresses: A comma-separated list of all email addresses in the "To" field.
- EmailCCAddresses: A comma-separated list of all email addresses in the "CC" field.
For further information on how to reference these metadata fields refer to the section Referencing Metadata.