Quick View Elements

The dashboard is a snapshot of recent activity and progress. Within the dashboard there are 4 elements that visually communicate this key information:


Getting fast access to export failure information is often critical. This ensures that administrators are able to quickly resolve any connectivity or processing issues and recommence the batch export for completion. The Failures area displays a count of any documents/batches that have not completed successfully today.

Today's Failures Snapshot

By clicking on the failures area, administrators are taken to today's history logs of failures which includes details of the failures.


Understanding today's processing volumes can assist administrators determine usage trends and server load. The Completed area provides a total of the number of documents completed today. Clicking on today's completed documents, administrators are taken to today's history logs of successfully processed documents.

Count of Today's Processed Documents

In addition, processing volumes over time can be seen a easy to understand graph. This provides day-by-day volumes for the 3 most popular jobs and a total for all other jobs in both count and % of total volume metrics.

Recent Processing Volumes

Active Users

A quick view of how many users have current session in Umango. This includes all dashboard sessions and multifunction device sessions. Clicking on the Active Users area, takes administrators to the Users area and displays the list of user sessions, together with session information.

Total Active User Sessions

Pages Processed (Page Count)

The Pages Processed area shows the number of pages that have been processed (exported) and the number of pages available to be processed in your license. If the number of pages remaining is becoming low, contact your Umango dealer to discuss your needs and top up your license.

Number of Pages Processed


The Processors Active area indicates Umango's current workload. A document processor is assigned to each batch of documents being processed from the processing queue. Therefore seeing the number of processors active indicates how much of the total (licensed) processing power is active.

Active Document Processors