Training Custom Document Types

Umango Custom Document Types require a handful of training documents to get started. If you have at least five documents, you can get started training a custom document type. You can train either a custom template or a custom neural type. This document walks you through the process of training a custom document type.

Training Data Tips

Follow these tips to further optimize your data set for training:

    • Use sample documents that have all of the fields populated.
    • Use documents with different values in each field.
    • Use more samples (10-15) if your documents are of lower quality.
Adding and Labeling Fields
    1. The process of preparing your sample documents for training is relatively straightforward:
    2. Upload sample documents.
    3. Add fields and assign their types and names. Once trained, these fields will become the AI fields in jobs that have this document type assigned.
    4. For each field on each sample document, ensure the training data is accurately set. Carefully locate and resize the fields to match each sample document and its unique data.
    5. Repeat for each each field required until all the fields on all the samples are accurately configured.

AI Document Training Preparation

Select each field's data type and location. Make sure the sample value matches the sample document.

Once you have all the sample documents labeled and their data entered, you are ready to train the document type using AI. To do this, select the Train button. You will then be asked to provide a name for the document type and select a training type.

Selecting Training Options

Training can take up to 60 minutes to complete depending on your selections and the number of samples. While you are waiting for training to complete you can leave the training screen and do other things in Umango.

You can check back on the training process at any time by selecting the document type from the menu.

You can now assign your new Custom AI Document to a Job and evaluate the results. If necessary, make changes or add samples to your Custom Document Type and re-train to improve results.