AutoNumber Merge Method

Usage | Parameters | Examples | Remarks

The AutoNumber merge method automatically generates an incremental number. This is particularly useful for bates numbering/stamping but can be used for any purpose across any merge field in Umango where a number is required to automatically increment every time it is used.



Creates an incrementing auto-number unique to the job


Incrementing auto-number unique to the job, padded with n leading zeros


Incrementing auto-number unique to the named identifier


Incrementing auto-number unique to the named identifier, padded with n leading zeros.


 n  Integer (Optional)

A number indicating the total number of digits to be presented. Where the AutoNumber length is less than n, leading zeros will be padded to the beginning of the number.

Default: 0 (no leading zeros will be included)

 Identifier  Text (Optional)

A name of a unique identifier. Each time the identifier is called with the AutoNumber method the number increments.

Default: The job the autonumber is running in


Example 1

Name a document including an incrementing auto-number unique to the job.

In this example, the result would be "This is document number 123 in this job"

Example 2

Name a document including an incrementing auto-number unique to the job and fixed to a width of 5 numbers.

In this example, the result would be "This is document number 00123 in this job"

Example 3

Name a document including an incrementing auto-number unique to an identifier named "Test".

In this example, the result would be "This is document 123 of type Test"

Example 4

Name a document including an incrementing auto-number unique to an identifier named "Test" and fixed to a width of 5 numbers.

In this example, the result would be "This is document 00123 of type Test"

Example 5

Name a document including an incrementing auto-number unique to each batch and fixed to a width of 5 numbers.

In this example, the result would be "Document 00123 of the batch"

