The Ecplise connector uploads documents to the Epicor Eclipse ERP system. The connector provides export field options for users to select a document profile and link type during processing.
Connection Settings
Enter the URL to the Eclipse server. Once the appropriate user name and password have been entered, a test of the connection can be performed by clicking the "test Connection" button. Once the test has been run, Umango will populate the related fields in the other sections.
The fields within Configuration relate to the export field zones.
Document Profile
The document profile can be fixed to a predefined profile value. Alternatively, users can select the document profile during processing. To enable user selection, the appropriate Export Field zone should be configured and assigned.
Attachment Link Type
The attachment link type can be fixed to a predefined value. Alternatively, users can select the link type during processing. To enable user selection, the appropriate Export Field zone should be configured and assigned.
File Link ID
Enter the Document link ID reference in the merge field.
File Options
Enter the file name in the first merge field and add a file description to the second. These are the file name and descriptions that will appear in Eclipse
File Type Options
File Type Options and related information are available here.