Job Wizards
Wizards are a quick and simple way to set up jobs. They are especially helpful for users who are new to Umango and need some direction in creating jobs.
There are two types of wizards in Umango and both can be accessed from the New button on the Dashboard.
Simple Job Wizard
In this wizard, Umango takes the user through the basic options needed to set up a job for importing and routing documents to a desired location. The wizard allows the user to name the job, choose the document source (device, email, or folder), the resulting file format and decide where the files should be sent to using Umango connector(s). For more information on connectors, visit the Export Destinations section.
Located in the lower and upper right-hand corners are the navigation buttons for advancing to the next setting or returning to a previous one. Once the job's source and export settings are complete, click the finish button to save the job and begin processing documents.
Capture Job Wizard
In this wizard, users can take advantage of the capture features of Umango by adding a sample document and creating zone indexes for data capture. Read more on sample documents and how to set up zones under the Zones and Sample Documents section.
Umango also provides a simple Help option located along the top navigation panel. Once selected, this displays context relative help as the user progresses through the wizard.