Barcode Zones

When a barcode zone is created, Umango attempts to capture the barcode's value during processing. The user can configure Umango to only capture barcodes of a certain type (see below) or to read any barcode type within the zone. When there is a large zone containing more than one, Umango will return the value of the first barcode that meets the criteria. 

The criteria of the zone is based on the barcode type and/or a formatting rule within the formatting and validation tab. This enables filtering out barcodes who's values don't meet formatting regex rules.

Barcode Type

Choose from either a 1D Barcode or a 2D Barcode type. When the barcode type is known, select a specific barcode type from the drop-down list. In production, this will filter out other types found in the region and Umango will only read the type selected. In addition, the 1D barcode options include support for selecting any type of barcode. In this scenario, Umango will not read a barcode value based on its type but any supported 1D barcode found in the region of the zone.

Example use cases:

    • Use a barcode value for automatic separation and enable the scanning of many documents at once
    • Read a barcode value on contract documents and use the value (or part of the value) for filing the document in the required folder
    • Read a barcode value and perform a lookup into a backend database to retrieve a related value. Use the related value to file or name the document